Home 뉴스 워크데이, AI 기반 HR 플랫폼으로 한국 시장 진출

워크데이, AI 기반 HR 플랫폼으로 한국 시장 진출


Workday, a U.S.-based maker of human resources and financial management software, said Thursday it is offering an AI-based HR management solution that can help streamline operations at South Korean companies.

“We will drive change in human resources and financial management through AI, streamline corporate operations, and help drive future business growth,” said Jeong Eung-seop, CEO of Workday Korea, at a press conference in Seoul.

Representative Jeong pointed out that despite having a strong digital infrastructure, Korea still relies on traditional organizational management methods and historical data.

He said, “Korea has a strong digital infrastructure and preparedness to rank 6th in the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Digital Competitiveness Rankings 2023, but it still has issues with human resource productivity due to traditional management methods and cultural barriers.” He added, “Employees are the key to business success, but traditional HR methods have limitations because they are based on historical data.”

Workday says its platform helps employees improve productivity by simplifying the user experience and increasing employee engagement.

“In keeping with Workday’s human-centered design philosophy, we will support users in a way that AI augments and supports decision-making, not replaces it,” Jeong added.

As AI-driven digital transformation takes hold, Workday Skills Cloud is positioned as a differentiator for enterprises building competency-based organizational strategies.

“In modern business, reskilling, competency development, cross-competency development, and just-in-time talent placement are critical, and it’s even more important to transform this into a competency-based strategy. That’s why Workday offers Skills Cloud,” said CEO Jeong.

Workday’s clients in Korea include Korean Air, Viva Republica, Musinsa, Kolmar Holdings, and Dongwha Group.

“One of the great things about Workday is that the data that comes out of our Workday applications is high-quality,” said Shane Luke, vice president of AI and machine learning at Workday, sharing the architecture of the Workday platform.

“We also have a lot of data,” he added. “We have 65 million users on the platform, and over 800 million transactions are made annually. The most important thing is that we don’t use all that data to train models, but keep customer segmentation as part of the platform.”